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City Council Minutes 05/03/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #19
May 3, 2007

Work Session Meeting – Budget discussion

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent, Lisa Green Comptroller, Mike Long CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Councilor Smith asked for a moment of silence.

The City Clerk read Communications.

Public Announcements –Mayor Lattimore introduced new Fire Chief Mike Hammon. Chief Hammon spoke briefly.

Ordinances Work Session

§       Discussion of the 2007 Road Program – Bill Lupien distributed a list of streets proposed for the program and reviewed the process.

Solid Waste Advisory Commission Presentation – Councilor Dempsey introduced the Advisory Committee, Rick Colavito, John Tomandl, Tim Baroody, Tony Tabone, and Norm Davis.  He thanked them for their work.   Rick Colavito presented the committee’s recommendation to change the way property owners are billed for trash collection.  They proposed reducing property taxes by the amount the City pays for trash collection, $1.25 million.  He reported this would reduce property taxes by 11%.  The cost of trash collection would be $108 per property.  This would include tax-exempt, commercial and multi family (per unit) properties.  Mr. Calavito explained how this would be the most fair way to pay for the service.  

§       Natural Gas Providers – Request for Qualifications - Mike Long reviewed the RFQ proposals that were submitted for the purchase of natural gas.  He answered questions and Council discussed briefly.

§       Parking Kiosks – The City Manager reported to Council on the proposal to install parking kiosks downtown.  He reported that with the beginning of construction now would be the best time to remove and replace any parking meters or install kiosks.  Tony Piccolo a downtown property owner and business owner spoke in support of kiosks.  Chief Giannotta spoke in favor also.
§       Budget – Lisa Green, Comptroller distributed and reviewed the budget forecast ending March 31, 2007.  Council discussed.
The City Manager and Comptroller reviewed the following proposed budgets with Council:
o       Revenue
o       General Government – Mayor and Council, Civil Service, Human Rights, City Clerk, City Manager, Corporation Counsel, Finance Department, Human Resources, Planning
o       Engineering Services.

Other Business –
Councilor Smith discussed the fee schedule that was handed out by the Manager for Council’s review.

Council adjourned at 7:30PM.